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Our Team


2025 Crew

The world of MG has many, many moving parts that make our farm and design studio a seven-day-a-week hustle; combine this schedule with our team members’ dynamic lives outside of the farm and we never find ourselves all in the same place at the same time! We had an EXTRADORNIARY year on the farm in 2024 thanks to the folks pictured below, along with some dear faces not pictured. The heart, dedication and kindness of this team is unparalleled. We are so grateful for each of our team members’ individual and collective contributions that have helped move us even further in the ambitious direction of building a community-oriented, vibrant, sustainable specialty-cut flower farm and floral design studio. Thank you Rae, Eliza, Deb, Corinne, Sydney, Juliana, and Kat for your big hearts, laughter, brilliance, and dedication! We are so grateful!

Rebecca Maillet | Founder & Creative Director

Rebecca is the brilliant visionary behind Many Graces, the wildly dynamic farm and design studio. She is a first-generation farmer, teaching herself through trial, error, and endless inquisitiveness. (Fun fact: If you ask her the common name of any flower, she’ll likely rattle off the Latin name for you.) Growing up, Rebecca was encouraged by her mother to notice the season’s offerings and spent countless time foraging in the woods for odd-shaped sticks, moss, and berries; she has been honing her design eye since then. Because Rebecca has never worked under another flower farmer or designer, her entrepreneurial spirit and concept of what is possible is unlimited — a true tabla rasa. It doesn’t hurt that her ability to function on no sleep is unparalleled! Although it may be hard to pin her down at any given time, put your ear to the ground and listen for Rebecca’s unbridled laughter — it is reflective of the joyful spirit that is guiding us here at MG!

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Kel Komenda | Managing Director

Kel had been helping Rebecca in an after-hours capacity on the farm since the inception of MG in 2018 — it was the only way to be able to spend time with Rebecca when they were newly dating :) Kel and Rebecca periodically theorized what it would look like to run the farm together, but the onset of the pandemic erased all pre-conceived, day-dreamy plans. Coinciding with the shutdown, Kel began a full-time volunteer position in 2020 in an attempt to help save the farm. Kel’s background is in furniture making and project management of high-end, large scale architectural millwork/interior design packages. Their knack for problem solving has brought a new perspective and skill set to the farm and design studio. They have taken over day-to-day business operations and can be found running between field work, maintaining infrastructure, graphic designing, accounting, building floral installation armatures, interfacing with new clients, grant writing, and hosting on-farm guests.


Ruby Jean | The Zinnia Queen

Ruby Jean is the heart and soul of the farm! She is a senior pitbull who came into Kel’s life over a decade ago when she was adopted from a kill shelter in Philadelphia at just six-months old. She is a true earth angel and can reliably be found in the field munching on zinnias all summer long, enjoying her retirement! She is the sweetest, most loving pup you’ll ever meet!

Goose | Still Trying to Figure it Out

Goose came into Kel and Rebecca’s life rather suddenly in the Fall of 2020. Her good looks help to soften our hearts when she is a handful, and she is legitimately one of the smartest dogs we have ever known. She is lucky to spend time with her best friend, Maddie from At Ease Training, who is teaching her to be a functional member of society. We have high hopes for her farm dog potential!